BLOG Enhancing maritime safety and efficiency: Aids to Navigation reviews Ports,Harbours,Marinas Maritime
NEWS Marine Data Exchange: Scottish expansion underway for UK’s world-leading offshore industry data resource Data and GIS Solutions Renewables Government
BLOG Offshore wind and fishing activities: is co-location possible? Renewables Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy Support
BLOG Mapping UK marine energy resources: Renewables Atlas update Renewables Consents and Licensing Design Support
NEWS Ayre and Bowdun: consenting underway for 2 GW Scottish offshore wind farms Renewables Consents and Licensing Design Support
BLOG Assessing the sensitivity of Welsh habitats and species to aquaculture activities Fisheries and Aquaculture Government Policy Support
BLOG Impacts and risks of sandwave levelling for cable burial: can you help? Government Policy Support Cables and Pipelines
NEWS Sectoral Marine Plans underway for the sustainable delivery of offshore wind in Scotland Government Marine Planning Renewables
BLOG Coastal realignments: UK boundary data now available from OMReg Habitat Creation and Restoration Marine Conservation