Habitat Creation and Restoration

Feasibility, design, consenting and monitoring for the creation and restoration of coastal habitats

Colin Scott ABPmer

Across the world, governments and organisations actively seeking to protect, restore and create marine habitats. This is being done to redress ongoing declines in marine biodiversity, offset losses of important and vulnerable habitats, make coastlines more resilient (especially in the face of rising seas and a changing climate) and provide many other societal benefits.

Every year, the need to deliver these projects and achieve these goals becomes increasingly urgent. However, there are well-known practical and funding challenges.

ABPmer is a leading specialist in marine and coastal habitat creation, restoration and protection, experienced in overcoming the challenges to realise new initiatives. This includes projects to protect oyster beds, marshes, mudflats and seagrasses using multiple techniques such as managed realignment, sediment beneficial use and reef formation.

We work with clients from initial conception through to scheme implementation. We provide planning and policy advice at strategic and project level as well as feasibility studies, site selection analysis, design services, hydrodynamic modelling, impact assessment and related consenting tasks. We also conduct post-consent monitoring and advice on the Ecosystem Services they provide (e.g. Blue Carbon trapping and flood defence protection).

We pride ourselves on offering clear advice borne out of a detailed understanding of real-world experiences. We have led scheme design, EIA and post-consent monitoring of many high profile projects including:

We place great emphasis on knowledge exchange to share the lessons learned. To do this we developed and maintain a free, interactive, project information database, host a LinkedIn forum and run national seminars.

Service areas

  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
  • Flood risk / resilience
  • Marine consents and licensing
  • Mitigation and compensation
  • Policy and feasibility studies
  • Scheme design
  • Strategic planning and site selection
  • Survey and monitoring

Ready to speak to one of our specialists about habitat creation and restoration support? Get in touch.

Header image courtesy RSPB

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