Supporting cable repair project with metocean statistics
Undertaking a bespoke metocean study to inform a planned cable repair for BT
Learn moreTo make decisions on the location and management of cables and pipelines, owners and operators need information on the constraints and risks posed by the natural environment and other human activities or uses.
Where unanticipated environmental risks emerge, for example as a result of bed level change or accidental damage, remedial costs can be high and sound advice is required to manage future risk.
ABPmer supports cable and pipeline projects at all stages of the lifecycle, from feasibility and initial data collection to impact assessment and operational risk management.
We help owners and operators at the planning stage to identify preferred route corridors, provide marine input to options appraisal and support route optioneering as part of Desk Top Studies.
We assess issues relating to a wide range of marine topics including physical processes, marine ecology, ornithology, fish and shellfish, commercial fisheries and navigation.
We support all marine consenting and licensing activities, including preparing and submitting licence applications and assisting in discharging licence conditions.
We also lead and contribute to environmental assessments and appraisals to support licence applications including for
Our team has full capability to specify and undertake geophysical and marine ecological surveys to support route definition, environmental assessments and operational monitoring requirements.
We regularly undertake landfall assessments and seabed mobility investigations to inform decision-making.
Combining our sediment mobility knowledge with our processing and analysis of shipping and fishing intensity data informs cable burial risk assessment to inform appropriate burial depths.
Our Metocean specialists provide advice on the likely impact of weather on installation through our weather downtime service.
Ready to speak to one of our cable and pipeline specialists about your requirements? Get in touch.
Undertaking a bespoke metocean study to inform a planned cable repair for BT
Learn moreProviding wave, current and weather downtime information to help plan operations
Learn moreWave and current data and statistics to inform engineering analysis
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