Informing the Queen Scallop Fisheries Management Plan
Reviewing information to support Defra in the preparation of an English Fisheries Management Plan for queen scallops
Learn moreNew initiatives such as marine planning, the establishment of marine protected areas, and increasing emphasis on ecosystem services and natural capital provide potential mechanisms to halt and reverse marine biodiversity decline while supporting sustainable development in our seas.
For more than a decade ABPmer has been a thought leader in marine planning and policy. We have contributed to all UK national marine planning processes, as well as projects in Ireland and wider Europe.
We have led and contributed to sectoral marine planning processes for:
We have been at the forefront of planning and implementation of UK Marine Protected Areas, including ground-breaking evidence projects and evaluation of options for management measures.
We have led and contributed to a wide range of studies to develop and apply Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital assessment frameworks at both strategic and project level for example in relation to managed realignment and beneficial use of dredged sediments. We are thought leaders in marine net gain.
National governments routinely benefit from ABPmer’s support in the appraisal of marine plans and programmes through Strategic Environmental Assessment, strategic Habitats Regulations Appraisal and socio-economic impact assessment, linked to formal Impact Assessment processes.
We have undertaken many applied research studies for central government and agencies on diverse issues such as marine plastic, human activity pressures and marine climate change. We have also authored a wide range of national guidance documents on topics including marine survey, marine licensing, environmental assessment and policy implementation.
Ready to speak to one of our specialists about your requirements? Get in touch.
Reviewing information to support Defra in the preparation of an English Fisheries Management Plan for queen scallops
Learn moreConstraints analysis and stakeholder engagement in support of a consultation for Strategic Resource Areas
Learn moreHelping Welsh Government better understand seabed characteristics in resource areas
Learn more