Supporting cable installation in Bay of Fundy
Providing wave, current and weather downtime information to help plan operations
Learn moreTo support asset management decision-making, geophysical monitoring surveys are generally undertaken to identify sediment level changes, cable exposures and seabed obstructions along the cable length.
Charts provide a visual representation along a cable or pipeline to show any changes and to assist with identification of any remedial work requirements.
With this aim in mind, ABPmer was asked to produce 30 strip charts covering along an offshore cable route using data from a recent inspection survey.
Raw data was provided to ABPmer following completion of the hydrographic survey along the cable route. We processed, classified and quality assured a seabed features dataset to meet topology standards.
Electronic charts were created at a scale of 1:1000 at A1 covering the areas of interest. Each chart was created in AutoCAD software and included predominantly four panels: bathymetry, bathymetric different image, bathymetric profile and seabed features.
All charts were delivered in DWG and PDF format.
ABPmer’s data and GIS specialists are experienced marine data handlers, developing bespoke GIS mapping and data management tools for governing bodies, the public sector and marine and coastal operators.
Providing wave, current and weather downtime information to help plan operations
Learn moreSupporting the design and installation planning of circa 100km of undersea cables
Learn moreWave and current data and statistics to inform engineering analysis
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