Duty Holder Training

On-site at your location

Monty Smedley ABPMer

Harbour authorities and owners of marine facilities must have a ‘Duty Holder’ who is accountable for ensuring safe marine operations and for compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC).

For most organisations, the role of Duty Holder is undertaken by a management team or Harbour Board who are collectively and individually accountable.

Course overview

Delivered by our experienced Maritime team and bespoke to your organisation, the PMSC Duty Holder course covers the purpose of the PMSC and the role the Duty Holder has in ensuring compliance. We explain the extent of the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Duty Holder, referencing legal obligations.

The programme includes a comprehensive overview of the latest editions of the PMSC and accompanying Guide to Good Practice on Port Marine Operations. It details the PMSC ‘Health Check’ compliance audits undertaken by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) along with an analysis of the recent adverse trends as published in the PMSC Health Check Trends.

The possible consequences of non-compliance with the PMSC are also discussed along with real-world examples of port exposure following marine incidents.

Who should attend?

Duty Holders, both newly-appointed and those looking to refresh their PMSC knowledge. Harbour Masters seeking to understand Duty Holder requirements under the latest PMSC

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, attendees will know:

  • Duties, powers and responsibilities of the Duty Holder
  • Requirements to comply with the PMSC
  • Information and guidance within the Guide to Good Practice
  • Potential exposure from failure to comply with the requirements of the Code


To cover the full breadth of duty holder responsibility, the training is designed as a full-day course, however shorter courses can be arranged; please contact us to discuss this option.


"An enjoyable and very interesting training course, recommended for all Duty Holders and Harbour Masters."

Course dates

Scheduled to your timescale

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Your details will only be used to contact you about the Duty Holder Training course. They will not be passed on to any third party or used in any other way without your express permission.

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