Coastal and Marine GIS Training

Online or in Southampton

Course overview

Delivered by ABPmer’s experienced GIS consultants and GeoData’s GIS trainers, this course uses case studies and hands-on activities to show how marine and coastal datasets can be used to support decision making.

Using QGIS v3.x, the course is structured around modules that cover various GIS concepts and techniques. As well as introducing marine data and GIS, the course considers common problems faced when mapping coastal and offshore environments. There is also an opportunity to discuss specific spatial data issues with our specialists.

The course is validated under the Association for Geographic Information CPD scheme and the GIS Certification Institute GIS Professional (GISP) Award. GeoData is a fully accredited RGS-IBG CPD Provider.

Who should attend?

Anyone looking to understand marine data and its application within a GIS environment, whether you are new to marine datasets or want to refresh your skills.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course delegates will know and understand:

  • What GIS is, what spatial data is, raster and vector data models
  • The core tasks involved in GIS analysis including acquisition, storage, management, manipulation and presentation
  • The core functionality of QGIS
  • How to import data and handle tables
  • Georeferencing raster images
  • The creation and editing of spatial data
  • Basic geoprocessing tasks

Course dates

New course dates coming soon.

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Data and GIS Solutions

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