Metocean criteria for Scottish offshore wind farms
Using SEASTATES to characterise marine conditions for a proposed offshore wind farm
Learn moreAs the world decarbonises to meet emissions reduction targets, floating offshore wind is seen to have huge potential to contribute to the energy mix.
The Offshore Wind Innovation Hub (OWIH) undertook a study into potential operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for floating wind, as part of a report looking at options for repairs estimated at 23% of annual O&M costs.
The study compared the costs of employing either an offsite (tow to port) or onsite (fix in-situ) repair for various scenarios.
To understand the impact of weather on operational programme (task list), for each option OWIH used ABPmer’s weather downtime calculator, Weather Downtime Express (WDTX)
WDTX used the task lists and associated working limits to simulate the completion of all tasks, in sequence, over a wide range of historical conditions at the chosen sites.
The use of WDTX helped OWIH reach key conclusions in their report. For example:
Our highly skilled metocean consultants use an extensive suite of numerical modelling and analytical software to support projects and operations worldwide.
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Using SEASTATES to characterise marine conditions for a proposed offshore wind farm
Learn moreMapping the potential for seabed change within offshore wind farm lease areas
Learn moreABPmer's metocean information service supported the development of Ireland's Arklow Bank Offshore Wind Farm
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