Skinflats managed realignment

Feasibility study, technical design, consents support and community engagement

In 2001 RSPB Scotland purchased the 10 ha Bothkennar Field on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth near the Kincardine Bridge. Their long-term aspirations for the site were to connect it to the Forth and create intertidal habitat. This new habitat could then provide safe high tide roost areas for birds and contribute to offsetting historic habitat losses that have occurred in the estuary as a result of land claim.

Initially this site functioned as a Regulated Tidal Exchange (RTE) but in early 2017, ABPmer was contracted to carry out a feasibility study and consider the potential impacts of removing the RTE and creating a managed realignment. We produced a high-level conceptual design using baseline information together with an existing hydrodynamic model previously applied in this area.

ABPmer then also assisted with the final technical design and produced Environmental Impact Assessment, Habitat Regulations Appraisal and Water Framework Directive Assessment. We also collaborated with the RSPB at public exhibitions to inform the local community about what was proposed and how key issues such as flood risk had been addressed.

On 3 October 2018, the realignment was implemented and it has since been performing successfully and as anticipated.

ABPmer is a recognised leader in marine and coastal habitat creation, restoration and protection. We work with clients from initial conception through planning and consent to scheme implementation.


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