Severn tidal scheme environmental study
SEA to support investigation into potential tidal power scheme in the Severn
In March 2008 the UK Government commissioned a Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study to investigate whether it could support a tidal power scheme in the Severn and, if so, on what terms.
ABPmer was commissioned by Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, on behalf of DECC, to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment. As the Severn Estuary has the greatest tidal range in the UK, the assessment considered all tidal range technologies, including barrages and lagoons.
We carried out detailed appraisals of each of the scheme options and prepared issue/topic papers for discussion with stakeholders. These papers reviewed impacts on the sediment regime and budget; water quality; and marine ecology. We also considered the construction and decommissioning issues for each scheme, in the context of hydraulics and geomorphology, including flow changes and scour.
This work was carried out using a variety of methods, including literature reviews, stakeholder engagement, GIS and extensive numerical modelling of the Severn.