Navigational risk assessments for Port of Rothesay
ABPmer's Navigational Risk Asssessment service helped the Port of Rothesay comply with the Port Marine Safety Code.
ABPmer was commissioned to provide the Port of Rothesay with Navigational Risk Assessments to meet requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC).
The first part of the assessment exercise identified a hazard list using previous accident and incident reports and port staff expertise, additions to this list were subsequently made following consultation with other port stakeholders. For each hazard under assessment, the ‘Most Likely Scenario’ and the ‘Worst Credible’ scenario were described. Existing ‘Risk Controls’ were identified by port staff and noted against each hazard assessment to present a complete view of the existing risk management process.
The identified hazards were then assessed using risk matrices which identify human, environment, port business and property consequences. The resulting scored hazard assessments were then ranked to provide a view of Navigational Risk Assessments in line with PMSC requirements. Following the hazard scoring and evaluation, potential ‘Risk Reduction Measures’ were identified and added to the assessment.