Risk management software solution for Broads Authority

Helping the Broads Authority reduce risk as low as reasonably practicable

Monty Smedley ABPMer

The Broads Authority, a member of the UK National Parks family, has a statutory duty as a harbour and navigation authority to manage its marine and navigational risks.

As part of a process of continual review and improvement, ABPmer was asked by the Broads Authority to create a bespoke version of our MARNIS ‘Port Risk Assessment’ software.

The Broads Authority has a diverse set of waterborne risks to manage, these range from extensive recreational use through to managed events such as regatta races and charity events. All waterborne activities need to be carefully considered to ensure that the level of risk is reduced to a point considered to be ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP). This risk evaluation and ALARP reduction is an essential requirement of the Port Marine Safety Code.

Using MARNIS allows a reflective approach for risk assessment review, linked to historic accidents and incidents. The study team from ABPmer reviewed the existing hazard database and linked the outcomes to recorded incidents.

Part of the project required the review of all existing risk assessments to consider if the assessed hazard and mitigation measures reduced the risk profile to ALARP. A hazard identification (HazID) and review workshop was set up by the Broads Authority and hosted by ABPmer to consider the full range of hazard scenarios and ensure that stakeholders were fully engaged in the review process.

As well as installing the MARNIS software solution, ABPmer’s maritime specialists supported the transfer of existing assessments into a MARNIS-compatible format. User training was provided to Broads Authority staff in a sequence of on-site training.

ABPmer’s maritime specialists have extensive experience undertaking Marine Risk Assessments and other checks to inform management and consents decision making.

Port of Southampton aerial cruise ship

Port Risk Management

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