Rampion Offshore Wind Farm marine licence support

Helping E.ON gain a supplementary marine licence for novel cable installation needs

Natalie Frost ABPMer

Site investigations at the export cable landfall for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm revealed seabed conditions which were harder than previously thought. This necessitated construction of temporary ‘flotation pits’ (TFPs) to allow the cable installation vessel to remain floating at low tide.

The construction of the TFPs was not included under the original Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Deemed Marine Licence and as such E.ON commissioned ABPmer to provide support with its Marine Licence application for the works.

We consulted with regulatory bodies and their advisers, who raised a number of queries associated with construction of the TFPs. These related to coastal processes, flood risk and water quality.

Building on our extensive knowledge of the coastal system in this location, we were able to successfully address these queries, using a range of quantitative analytical techniques.

Construction of Rampion Offshore Wind Farm was completed in late 2018 and is now fully operational.

ABPmer’s planning and consents specialists regularly prepare environmental statements and support developers through the minefield of marine consents.

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