WDTX supports Fred. Olsen decision-making
ABPmer's Weather Downtime Express helps Fred. Olsen Windcarrier make fast weather-dependent decisions.
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier operates two versatile self-elevating, self-propelled jack-up installation vessels and eight purpose built service boats.
Weather downtime is a recognised logistical and financial risk when planning or offering vessel services. To understand and manage such risks, Fred. Olsen Windcarrier uses ABPmer’s on-demand weather downtime express calculator.
Our express weather downtime service helps Fred. Olsen Windcarrier make fast weather dependent decisions by giving them direct access to ABPmer’s in-house SEASTATES weather downtime calculator.
The user inputs vessel position, tasks and limiting metocean conditions. Once provided, various weather window statistics are calculated and returned within minutes. Results include weather downtime and extended task duration at all probability levels, project risk profile as well as a breakdown of downtime per task to help programme optimisation.
Our highly skilled metocean consultants use an extensive suite of numerical modelling and analytical software to support projects and operations worldwide.
Ready to talk about your requirements? Get in touch