Weather downtime assessments for Seajacks
Helping Seajacks optimise operation planning, mitigate risk and offer best-priced contracts
Weather downtime risk is often carried by the contractor. So that Seajacks, an owner-operator of five self-propelled harsh environment installation vessels, can optimise operation planning, mitigate risk and offer best priced contracts, we provide them with weather downtime probability assessments in the area of interest.
To make our assessments, we use SEASTATES hindcast data to source wave and wind conditions. We can incorporate complex multi-stage operations into our weather downtime planning with the potential to include multiple limiting parameters at each operation stage. This allows Seajacks the flexibility and level of detail required for marine operations testing.
More recently, Seajacks has been considering multiple options for ports for installations further offshore. For port options far from the installation site, we apply SEASTATES wind and wave data along the route, including waypoints and safe havens, allowing Seajacks an understanding of weather risk not just at site and in port, but also along transit routes.
Image copyright Seajacks UK ltd
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