Cable route study for Burbo Bank OWF

Design and installation support for export cable route and inter-array cables at Burbo Bank

David Lambkin ABPMer

To support the design and installation of an export cable route and inter-array cables at Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm, we provided a range of metocean design and operational criteria.

Using the SEASTATES hindcast database and survey bathymetry data, we developed local high-resolution hydrodynamic and wave models to provide the longterm databases required for robust statistical analysis of the metocean conditions.

In addition to standard metocean design criteria, we provided orbital wave velocities near the seabed to support the design of concrete mattresses for the cable crossings, and breaking wave conditions at the surface under ‘normal’ and ‘extreme’ conditions to support fatigue analysis.

The cable crossings are situated in very shallow water with a large tidal range, so the wave model required a variable water level boundary to best simulate wave conditions across the region.

The region is incredibly dynamic, so we used our extensive experience to determine the extent of local seabed mobility and its associated impact upon the operational and extreme metocean conditions.

Our experience in this region enabled us to develop a holistic technical approach and supported us in providing a comprehensive study of the metocean conditions to inform detailed design.

Our highly skilled metocean consultants use an extensive suite of numerical modelling and analytical software to support projects and operations worldwide.

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