Beatrice Wind Farm engineering design support

Supporting design and engineering requirements for Beatrice offshore wind farm

To support the design and engineering requirements for the Beatrice offshore wind development, we provided a suite of metocean design and operational criteria for both the offshore wind farm and its export cable route.

ABPmer used the SEASTATES hindcast database to develop bespoke high-resolution hydrodynamic and wave models. These provided the long term databases required for robust statistical analysis of metocean conditions, which were supported and validated by multiple measured data sets.

The design criteria provided a statistical breakdown of extreme metocean conditions: including wind speeds, wave heights, current velocities and water levels, essential to inform the developer's Front End Engineering Design (FEED) studies. Development of operational criteria from the long term hindcast databases contributed to fatigue analysis of the proposed developments and can be used to inform construction and maintenance planning.

The design criteria were subject to independent review to ensure compliance with ISO standards.

Our approach offered a technical advantage over other commercially available hindcasts operating at a coarser spatial resolution, and supported a more detailed understanding of the unique Moray Firth environment.

Our highly skilled metocean consultants use an extensive suite of numerical modelling and analytical software to support projects and operations worldwide.



SEASTATES metocean information

Our dedicated metocean website provides access to free global metocean statistics and a free trial of our weather downtime calculator.