Master Plan options appraisal for Port of Waterford

Supporting the assessment of options for development and improving operational efficiency

Heidi Roberts ABPMer

The Port of Waterford were considering the future options for development and improving efficiency (technical and financial) of existing operations. ABPmer was commissioned to support the Port in assessing a number of marine Port Masterplan options.

The assessment included a review of previous work, consultation with local users, and comprehensive field measurement programme, including LiDAR of the intertidal areas, to determine the existing flow, sediment and wave regime of the estuary.

These data, along with a historical trend analysis of bathymetric charts and dredging records, were used to develop a detailed conceptual understanding of the working of the estuary.

The data and estuary understanding was then used to produce and calibrate numerical hydrodynamic, sediment transport models of the estuary system. The numerical models provided detailed three-dimensional data on the hydrodynamics, sediment transport and wave climate of the estuary.

The models were used to investigate a wide range of management and development proposals and opportunities, particularly to evaluate possible options to reduce the maintenance dredging commitment whilst accepting larger vessels to the port.

The model was also used to assess the dispersion from ploughing in the main dredge area, and characterising the dispersion from the disposal site in the entrance to the estuary

Working with the Port, we used these analyses to develop sustainable development solutions that would minimise maintenance dredging.

The models were subsequently used to also provide data for navigational risk assessment and mooring analysis at the berths within the Port.

ABPmer is a recognised authority in numerical modelling and metocean criteria, and is regularly called upon to provide technical input to engineering design that satisfies both consenting requirements and international standards.