Maintenance dredge post consent monitoring

Ecological survey support for Port of Mostyn dredging work and development proposal consent retention

Paul Clement ABPMer

Since 2005 ABPmer has been carrying out detailed ecological surveys for the Port of Mostyn in the Dee Estuary. This monitoring is required under the consent arrangements for the Port's Inner Approach Channel dredging works and has been undertaken annually from 2005 to 2007 and then from 2009 to present.

This regular benthic habitat survey programme (on mudflat, sandflat and clay habitats across the outer Dee Estuary) is being done to understand whether the maintenance and capital dredging work at the Port has any adverse effects on the Dee Estuary SAC/SPA/Ramsar site.

Once collected the data is analysed using PRIMER and GRADISTAT (a grain size distribution and statistics package). The outputs are used to ensure that the conditions associated with the development are complied with.

This data obtained over several years has also been valuable for providing information to inform consents for other initiatives and development proposal across the port in recent years.

ABPmer’s ecological surveyors regularly coordinate and undertake pre and post-consent monitoring for coastal and marine developers. As an integrated consultancy and survey company, ABPmer offers a unique service to those operating in the marine environment.

ABPmer survey sampling vessel

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