EIA scoping study for Guernsey cable

Helping Guernsey Electricity Ltd secure the required permits to install a submarine power cable between Guernsey and Jersey.

Natalie Frost ABPmer

Channel Islands Electricity Grid on behalf of Guernsey Electricity Ltd was proposing to install a submarine power cable between Guernsey and Jersey, together with an onshore substation and landfall on both islands. To help secure the required permits for the proposed works, ABPmer was commissioned to undertake the EIA scoping study and related assessment.

The Scoping Report and Environmental Statement considered the marine impacts of the cable, landfall and potential substation during all phases of development. Impacts on physical processes, water quality and ecological receptors (including mobile species) were assessed and appropriate mitigation measures identified where necessary.

The project required consultation with French and Jersey fishermen in relation to the route in Jersey waters.