Front End Engineering Design for Mamba natural gas project

Supporting dredging, trenching and material disposal works for the Mamba Straddling Resources project in Mozambique

Heidi Roberts ABPMer

Mamba Straddling Resources is a development project to produce natural gas from offshore reservoirs discovered in Mozambique.

To inform the contractor’s dredging, trenching and material disposal works, ABPmer was commissioned to produce a Preliminary Dredge Management Plan.  

The proposed trench will cross different bed substrates. To make the assessment and advise on the dredge methodology, we developed a conceptual understanding of the physical system and habitats, which included areas of sea grass, sand beach, coral reefs and fringing reefs.

We also considered mitigation methods or changes to methodology/equipment, in case dispersion was not compliant with the EIA.

Project activities included a literature review, sediment mobility and transport assessment from hydrodynamic data and dredge workshop.

Supported by metocean, coastal process and ecological studies, the plan set out the environmental constraints and permitting legislation, recommended management and mitigation measures, and outlined monitoring and corrective management actions.

ABPmer is a recognised authority in numerical modelling and metocean criteria, and is regularly called upon to provide technical input to engineering design that satisfies both consenting requirements and international standards.