Ferry upgrade impact assessment

ABPmer undertakes EIA and HRA for new berth

Natalie Frost ABPMer

Wightlink Ltd wished to introduce new custom-designed ships on its Lymington to Yarmouth route as part of a £57m investment to upgrade its services to and from the Isle of Wight.

We were commissioned to bring together the information needed to prepare the marine chapters of an EIA and related Habitat Regulations Assessment to accompany Wightlink’s proposal which included berth improvements, new vessels and sediment recharge work as mitigation.

We prepared a series of detailed impact assessments and project design documents. Particular attention was paid to the physical effects of shipwash, drawdown and backflow from the larger vessels. We also developed and consulted upon a detailed mitigation and monitoring programme.

This nationally high-profile project involved successful detailed discussions with Natural England so that they could be assured that the project will not have an adverse effect on the Solent European Marine Site. ABPmer provided a physical process expert to the Public Enquiry in November 2011. The project was approved in December 2011.