Environmental consent support for Llŷr offshore wind farms

Supporting key elements of the EIA for the next generation in clean offshore renewable energy technology

Tony Brooks ABPmer

Llŷr 1 and 2 are proposed floating offshore wind developments in the Celtic Sea, off the Pembrokeshire coastline.

Expected to generate 200 MW of renewable energy from around 20 turbines, the wind farms will be among the first floating offshore wind test and demonstration projects to be developed and constructed in the UK, showcasing the next generation in clean offshore renewable energy technology.

ABPmer was commissioned by AECOM and Floventis to complete the marine physical process Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as part of the consenting process for the dual projects. Our physical process specialists completed the analysis using a range of techniques including sediment transport modelling.

Supported by our SEASTATES hindcast metocean models, the assessment considered the likely significant effects on marine physical process receptors that could arise from the construction, operation and decommissioning of the wind farms.

The Llŷr offshore wind farms are expected to be operational by 2027.

ABPmer is a recognised Development Service Provider offering a wide range of services that support clients throughout the renewable project life cycle.

We have completed EIA related studies for over 30 UK offshore wind, wave and tidal developments, including Scotland’s Beatrice, Moray East and Moray West Wind Farms, as well as post-consent coastal processes and metocean support.

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