Marine Protected Area designation and management
Leading studies to support the designation and management of MPAs and the protection of PMFs
Learn moreNatural Resources Wales commissioned ABPmer to develop a range of potential monitoring options to inform understanding of coastal squeeze losses in Wales arising from implementation of Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) Hold The Line (HTL) policies.
We reviewed and documented current understanding of predicted habitat losses associated with coastal squeeze, recognising the limitations associated with determining cause and effect, and the distribution and status of Annex 1 habitats in Wales vulnerable to coastal squeeze.
We also undertook a literature review relating to coastal squeeze monitoring, including: techniques to measure sea level rise; ways to monitor the extent and condition of intertidal habitats; a review of other UK and worldwide approaches to monitoring coastal squeeze as well as developing an understanding of existing monitoring undertaken in Welsh waters that could be adapted to fulfil coastal squeeze monitoring requirements.
Based on the review, the study provided clear recommendations to NRW around future monitoring of coastal squeeze impacts recognising the challenges in accurately monitoring coastal squeeze impacts separately from other causes of coastal change.
These recommendations have been adopted by NRW.
Read the report: Coastal Squeeze Evidence and Monitoring Requirement Review
ABPmer routinely advises marine sectors on regulatory and policy matters and has a long history supporting government and its agencies in developing the evidence base against which policy decisions are made.
Leading studies to support the designation and management of MPAs and the protection of PMFs
Learn morePreparing a report for the Marine Institute on climate change impacts on marine ecosystem services
Learn moreSupporting Defra with a review of the economic link conditions for fishing vessel licences
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