Offshore wind turbine from below Offshore wind turbine from below
Tony Brooks ABPmer
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Ayre and Bowdun: consenting underway for 2 GW Scottish offshore wind farms

We have been commissioned to provide marine physical process assessments to support the consenting of the combined 2 GW wind farms

Consenting for the combined 2 GW Ayre and Bowdun Offshore Wind Farms is underway.

Ayre is a planned floating wind farm off the coast of Orkney, east coast Scotland, while Bowdun will be a fixed foundation wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen. Both owned by Thistle Wind Partners, they will support the transition to renewable energy in Scotland, expected to generate enough electricity to power 2.4 million households.

On behalf of RPS, ABPmer will provide marine physical process assessments to support the consenting of the wind farms.

Our physical process specialists will model the wave, hydrodynamic and sediment transport environment of the wind farm areas, to understand how these factors could impact the planned wind farms, as well as how the wind farm designs could influence coastal processes, sediment transport pathways, and morphological features on the seabed and at the coast.

Heidi Roberts, ABPmer Project Director, said,

“We are delighted to support Ayre and Bowdun. These projects are expected to make a key contribution to Scotland’s renewable energy generation, in support of the Scottish government’s target of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2045.
ABPmer brings a wealth of experience to the project, having undertaken EIA related studies for over 30 UK offshore wind projects, including Scotland’s Salamander, MarramWind, Beatrice, Moray East and Moray West Wind Farms, as well as post-consent coastal processes and metocean support.”

Consenting for both wind farms is expected to be completed in 2025, with construction planned to begin in 2029.

ABPmer is a recognised Development Service Provider, offering a wide range of services that support clients throughout a renewable project life cycle. We have provided input to most of the UK’s offshore wind, wave and tidal developments, as well as being regularly asked to advise government when developing and shaping policy.

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