Overtopping Overtopping
Heidi Roberts ABPMer

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ABPmer's specialist knowledge informs Project Appraisal Reports in Wales

Outline business cases for four coastal risk management schemes will form part of the Welsh Government's Coastal Risk Management programme.

We are working with Arup to prepare outline business case Project Appraisal Reports for four coastal risk management schemes across Wales. The outline business cases will form part of Welsh Government’s Coastal Risk Management programme. The projects will consider the risk posed, existing structures and review a long list of options to identify a preferred coastal risk management approach.

The appraisal will identify both coastal flood and erosion risk benefits and wider benefits such as amenity, community regeneration and biodiversity. Options are assessed taking account of coastal processes, environmental and social benefits and impacts, sustainability and ongoing maintenance.

Our specialists are undertaking coastal process assessments and where necessary new extremes analysis using the latest numerical wave and overtopping modelling.